Tuesday 17 June 2014

How to clear the way for perfect skin


How to clear the way for perfect skin

Not long ago we discussed the end of terms PROMS and how important it is to have good make up and a stunning hair do.
It's not just about what you wear, your hair style, the cars and the beauty treatments but young people often have skin issues and a lot of my clients ask me about their children and grand children who have skin problems that are causing them undue stress. Are there any skin treatments and skin care products on the market for teenagers ?. …well the short answer is YES.
Skin breakouts are the number one issue among teens.  It not only affects their skin but embarrasses them and lowers self-esteem. 
REGIME Clear Start
Acne is generally part-genetic, part hormonal, but unlike adult acne, which tends to be inflammatory and related to stress, teenage acne is usually triggered by puberty and the introduction of new chemicals into the body.  Androgen hormones become more pronounced at this time which stimulate hair growth and sebaceous (oil) gland activity, which increases oil production.  That excess oil can mix with skin cells and get infected with bacteria, they swell and this becomes a breakout.  Pores can also become larger, skin can appear shinier and rougher, cheeks may feel more sensitive or look pink and of course, blackheads, whiteheads and inflamed lesions can appear on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders.
Thorough cleansing, toning and moisturising, day and night, is a good regime for life to reduce excess sebum and reduce inflammation.
Through an easy-to-follow, 4 step regime that incorporates extra clearing products, Clear Start helps teens reveal their clearest level of skin.  Teens can also benefit by seeing me about a BREAKOUT CLEARING MICROZONE TREATMENT, designed to solve issues right on the spot.  From extracting blackheads to reducing redness, this treatment gets skin in shape fast - perfect for breakouts that occur at the most inconvenient times.Special price for the month of June £20 usual price £28.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding this treatment or any other treatments please feel free to contact me.  I look forward to seeing you all soon. 

Bank Street
Tel 01204 365411

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